Discover the Secrets of Digital Photography with Stefan Lane

Are you ready to take your digital photography skills to the next level? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer, Stefan Lane Creative Photography Education has everything you need to improve your shooting style and stay up to date with current photography trends.



  • Learn Digital Photography with Stefan Lane: Our course covers everything you need to know about digital photography, from the basics to advanced techniques.

  • Editing YOUR Captures: With our detailed walkthrough of both Adobe Lightroom Classic and Adobe ‘Mobile’ Lightroom, you’ll learn how to create your own unique, creative look and stand out from the others.


  • Learn the fundamentals of digital photography

  • Understand how your DSLR/mirrorless camera works

  • Choose the right lens for the job

  • Master composition and color theory

  • Improve your editing skills in Adobe Lightroom

  • Enjoy a stress-free, fun photography experience

man photographing woman model under a tree
If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.
— Jay Maisel

Join my 3-month Photography Education Course and learn the basics of camera operation (MANUAL SETTINGS), composition, focusing, exposure, depth of field, printing, shoot planning, color theory, working with models, portrait planning, contracts, and more! Plus, you'll get 1-hour video conferencing each week and access to a private VIP chat group with your classmates!

Our course is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their digital photography skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer, we'll teach you everything you need to know to take your photography to the next level. Sign Up Now: Get instant access to our comprehensive digital photography course and start improving your skills today!

Invest in your craft!

Starts at $500

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A: Yes! Our course covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques, so it's perfect for beginners who want to improve their digital photography skills.

  • A: While a DSLR/mirrorless camera is recommended, you can still benefit from our course even if you're using a smartphone or point-and-shoot camera.

  • A: Once you sign up, you'll have lifetime access to our comprehensive digital photography course. You will receive our “textbook” via email once enrolled and invited to our student chat room. During our live sessions, you will also receive the necessary materials for learning as well as photography resources that’ll assist you in your future photography adventures.



Are you ready to take your digital photography skills to the next level? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer, Stefan Lane Creative Photography Education has everything you need to improve your shooting style and stay up to date with current photography trends.


  • Learn the fundamentals of digital photography with our 150+ page “textbook” as a downloadable PDF

  • Fully understand how your DSLR/mirrorless camera works and how to choose the right lens for the job

  • Master composition, focusing, lighting techniques, and color theory (which is a MUST for editing your captures

  • Improve your editing skills in Adobe Lightroom Classic & mobile Lightroom

  • Enjoy a stress-free, fun photography experience with weekly live training & in-person meet-ups with your fellow classmates (NJ ONLY)


Are you ready to take your digital photography skills to the next level?